Tornado warning now issued in Passaic County as Debby creeps in

Tornado warning now issued in Passaic County as Debby creeps in

The National Weather Service has upgraded its tornado warning for New Jersey and Pennsylvania as Hurricane Debby approaches.

In New Jersey, the tornado warning is in effect until 10 p.m. Friday, August 9, and includes Bergen, Essex, Hunterdon, Mercer, Middlesex, Morris, Passaic, Somerset, Sussex, Union and Warren counties in North Jersey.

In Pennsylvania, a tornado warning is issued for Lehigh, Northampton, Carbon, Monroe and Bucks counties.

The tornado threat for South Jersey has decreased since the first warning early Friday morning, which has since been lifted.


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However, the NWS warns that tornadoes are possible throughout the region and rainfall of between 1 and 4 inches is expected along the I-95 route.

A wind warning has also been issued for both states, with gusts expected to reach up to 80 km/h. They will likely be strongest along the coast.

AccuWeather Chief Meteorologist John Feerick says some places have already seen more rain this week than is expected after Debby.

“Places like Philadelphia, New York City and Trenton, New Jersey, may have actually received more rain Tuesday night than they did from Debby through Friday night,” Feerick said. “So, with Debby generally moving up the spine of the central Appalachians and later toward the St. Lawrence Valley, this steady rain corridor will avoid much of the I-95 zone.”

Saturday, August 10th, will be sunny with maximum temperatures of 30 degrees Celsius.

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